by Finbarr O'Neill | Aug 7, 2024 | News
Cobbles & Pebbles Cobbles and Pebbles Cobbles and Pebbles can be used for Borders or Edges to add colour or contrast to your garden or driveway. View our range of Cobbles and Pebbles in our Decorative Stone section. NEW Autumn Alpine Range New Autumn Alpine Range,...
by Finbarr O'Neill | Aug 28, 2019 | News
Introducing O’Neill’s new range of Boulders Our boulders are available in a variety of sizes and colours. We supply:- -Gold Sandstone Boulders -Dripsey Tumbled Boulders -Kilkenny Blue Limestone Boulders -Green Boulders -Plum Boulders -Glacial Boulders...
by Finbarr O'Neill | Aug 7, 2019 | Nachrichten, News
O’Neills Garden Boulders O’Neill’s Boulders make a beautiful addition to any water feature, Japanese garden or rockery area. Our boulders come in a variety of sizes including 50mm-100mm,100mm-150mm, 150mm-300mm, 300mm-600mm and 600mm-1000mm. We...
by Finbarr O'Neill | Oct 12, 2018 | News
IMPORTANT NOTICE O’Neill’s farm roadways take care of your animals’ welfare by protecting their hooves and preventing lameness, particularly in cows. However, did you know that O’Neill’s farm roadways are also designed with your wellbeing kept in mind? It’s time that...
by Finbarr O'Neill | Sep 28, 2018 | News
Plum Slate MulchPlum Slate Mulch – Decorative Stone for Gardens is ideal for the home as it inhibits unwanted weed growth and helps prevent weeds from breaking through the soil. Slate is heavier than wood chips or bark mulch that are easily blown about the...